

Dr. Dehdari held a speech about “Importance of technical cooperation between university and process/project consulting companies to serve life science related industry and business field”



Dr. Dehdari was invited by the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and the Minister of Agriculture of Suriname and held a lecture at the Ministry in Paramaribo about “Organic Farming using Bio-fertilizer and Bio-pesticide Based on Shrimp Shell Waste”.


Dr. Dehdari participates in Blue BioPlastics Innovation Workshop initiated by King Albert of Monaco on 24th of March 2019.


Dr. Dehdari hold a guest lecture at CBE of Qatar University about “Intrepreneures and Start-up Surviving Strategy in the Business Jungle” in Doha/Qatar.



Dr. Dehdari made a workshop about “Start-up Management Strategy” at Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) in Hanoi, Vietnam. He was awarded as guest lecturer with lecturer certificate issued by Vice Rector Prof. Dinh Van Phong.


Dr. Dehdari has been invited to hold a lecture with the title “Chitosan Processing, Market Forecast and Modern Industrial Applications in the 21st century” at Marine Institute of Memorial University, St. John’s/Canada. He was awarded as guest lecturer with lecturer certificate issued by Director Heather Manuel



Dr. Dehdari has been invited by Italian Biotechnology Society to hold a speech with the title “Opportunity of Italian Biotech SME to Attract International Investors” in Florence/Italy, 29th of September 2017.


Dr. Dehdari has been invited as guest speaker for “Startup and Entrepreneurship Way of Business” in cooperation with the Center for Entrepreneurship Düsseldorf (CEDUS) on the 22nd of February in Dusseldorf.



Dr. Dehdari hold a lecture with the topic “Opportunities and Challenges in Agriculture and Food Processing” as private lecturer for Amity University where he awarded as guest lecturer with lecturer certificate issued by Professor Naleeni Ramawat.


Dr. Dehdari hold a lecture with the topic ” Quality Management in Life Science” as private lecturer for University of Delhi where he awarded as guest lecturer with lecturer certificate issued by Professor Balram Pani.


Dr. Dehdari hold a workshop with the topic ” Intercultural Communication in Project Consulting” as private lecturer for Dusseldorf Business School where he is registered as guest lecturer with lecturer certificate issued by Professor Schwens.



Dr. Dehdari hold a workshop with the topic “Intercultural Communication in Project Consulting” as private lecturer for University of Latvia with lecturer certificate issued by Professor Savrina


Dr. Dehdari hold a workshop with the topic ” Quality Management in Life Science” as private lecturer for Dusseldorf Business School where he is registered as guest lecturer with lecturer certificate issued by Professor Schwens.


Dr. Dehdari was invited by slowenian agriculture ministery to present state of art processing with sugar beet waste to produce innovative products like invert sugar or pectin.


In December 2011 Mr. Dehdari, the Managing Director of ensymm, is invited and is taking as one of the key speakers at the Food Technology Congress in New Delhi/India to introduce new technology platforms for food additives and innovative processing.

Our cooperation office „SPCL/India“ win the award of “All India Food Processors Association”.


ensymm holds a seminar by “Moskauer Wirtschaftstage in Düsseldorf” Hotel Renaissance/Duesseldorf 25th November 2009.


ensymm holds a seminar by Baesweiler biotechnology Meeting November 2008.

ensymm holds a presentation about “Project consulting – the key to economical success“ with Mr. Dehdari as speaker September 2008 by Bio2Biz in South Africa.

technology seminar of ensymm management between March and May 2008 in Abu Dhabi/Doha/Tehran/New Delhi.


In the course of an annual exchange with the UAE University Al-Ain, ensymm held a seminar with the subject “Technology Transfer and Project Consulting in Life-Science-Sector” in Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates on 21.10.2007.

As one of the speakers the managing director of ensymm, Mr. Dehdari held a seminar with the subject “Technology Transfer and Development of Biotech Products” at Bio2Biz conference in Cape Town, South Africa on 18.09.2007.

ensymm holds a seminar by “Germany-Latvia Summit in Düsseldorf” at Life-Science-Center, 19th March 2007.


ensymm holds a seminar by “Moskauer Wirtschaftstage in Düsseldorf” Hilton/Duesseldorf 05th December 2006.


UAE Seminar “Fermentation Technology and its Fields of Application” UAE University Al-Ain/UAE 14.12.2005.

ensymm holds a seminar by “Moskauer Wirtschaftstage in Düsseldorf” Hilton/Duesseldorf 26th October 2005.


India Seminar “ensymm network, a successful business network for Project development in Life Science” New Delhi/India 12-19.3.2004.


Iran Seminar “Using Biotechnology for food & beverage and detergent Industry” Tehran/Iran 5.10.2003.

Dubai/UAE seminar “enzyme for detergent, food and beverage Industry” Dubai/UAE 1.10.2003.


India Seminar “India Chem 2002” New Delhi 17th – 23rd September 2002.

Iran Seminar “ensymm – A cooperation bridge between Iran and EU” Tehran 25th – 3rd September/October 2002.