News 2022


Ensymm gives a one-day seminar and workshop for ensymm client from Egypt for pectin extraction processing strategies and business/industrial opportunities in Paris/France


Ensymm receives an order from its long-term Qatari investor to screen/analyse/recommend a modern technology provider for tier recycling in innovative products out of it.


ensymm runs and submits a full lab/pilot scale trial and process dossier to its Ecuadorian seafood client for extracting biopolymers/protein-pigment powder out of shrimp shells/heads

ensymm delivers dossier of equipment supply chain for transformer project setup to KSA client


Ensymm delivers a bankable techno-financial feasibility study for the recovery / processing of sewage sludge in wastewater treatment plants for a Saudi EPC company, active in the field of infrastructure, in Riyadh/Saudi Arabia

Ensymm delivers a full process technology package to produce enzymatic invert sugar out of white sugar, including process and quality control advisory to run a full pilot plant, to its well-known sugar producer in Pakistan. This will allow to scaleup the invert sugar production based on the optimized results and outcome, enabling the start of the commercial production, after marketing stage


Ensymm is commissioned by its EPC client in Saudi Arabia for a multiple, industrial partner screening and recommendation, based on ensymm’s selection criteria, in the field of water and sludge treatment, industrial sealant products, HVAC and IT systems for commercial buildings construction


Ensymm delivers a bankable techno-financial feasibility study to setup a BioMarine waste processing facility for shrimp shell conversion for an Ecuadorian seafood company


Ensymm gives a virtual workshop advisory about chitosan extraction process and business strategies/frames and roadmap for a seafood client from Gothenburg/Sweden


Ensymm accomplishes the last milestone for high grade chitosan powder extraction from seafood shells, running and submitting a full lab/pilot scale trial and process dossier to its public Canadian client in Quebec/Canada


Ensymm delivers a bankable techno-financial feasibility study to setup a blood bag facility for a public organization in Turkey

Ensymm gives a one-day seminar and workshop for a seafood processing client for BioMarine waste processing strategies and business/industrial opportunities in Guayaquil/Ecuador


Ensymm distributes powder Lactase product to an international client in pharma products sector in the Netherlands

Ensymm distributes powder Lactase product to an international client in the dietary supplement sector in the Hungary